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Happy Masks

COVID-19 Precautions

Hello Patients and Families,


We are writing to tell you about the updated precautions we are taking in the office to protect everyone from COVID-19 and other illnesses. Please read the details below, and reach out if you have any questions.


Face masks must be worn at all times while visiting the office by persons age 2 and older. We also ask that you use the hand sanitizer provided at the front desk when checking in.


Face masks will be worn by all staff members. Additionally, all eligible team members are vaccinated against COVID-19.


A member of our team will request that you fill out a COVID-19 questionnaire and your temperature will be recorded when you arrive.


Prior to coming to the office, all in-person visitors aged 12 and older must either show proof of the completed COVID-19 vaccination or provide a letter of medical exemption. A copy of the COVID-19 vaccination card or letter of medical exemption must be uploaded to the patient portal or faxed to 301-576-1645 prior to coming to the office.


To reach the patient portal please click here. If you do not have a portal account, please contact the office at 301-576-6044. If you have forgotten your password please use the forgot password link.


To minimize exposure we encourage all psychiatry and psychotherapy clients to continue using our telehealth platform.


Please contact us prior to coming to the office if you, a member of your household, or someone in your care is/are exhibiting any acute respiratory symptoms or other signs of illness (e.g., cough, shortness of breath, cold, vomiting, diarrhea, fever within the past 24-48 hours). We will help you make an appropriate plan.


Please do not come to the office until you or your household members are free from fever, signs of fever, vomiting/diarrhea, and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours (temperature under 100 degrees Fahrenheit without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines).


We will work together with you to decide whether it makes sense to come in. If we agree that you should not, and if telehealth is not appropriate, we will waive our late cancellation fee. Fees will not be waived for missed appointments without a call. If you come to session and are exhibiting signs of illness, we may ask you to go home.


Please remember that there are people who come through the office who are immunocompromised. We want to do our best to ensure everyone’s safety. We are taking extra precautions with cleaning the office, and washing our own hands with great frequency.

Hand washing:  We recommend the WHO’s hand-washing procedure, which can be found at

Cough/Sneeze: Please teach your child to cough or sneeze into their elbow, and wash hands after.

Avoid touching your face: Germs enter through our eyes, nose, and mouth. Encourage little ones to hold toys or other objects to reduce the occasions when their hands are in their mouths.

Self-Care: As always, we recommend adequate sleep, healthy nutrition, and exercise to keep you feeling well and to fight off illness.

Corona Anxiety: Please read our blog post on this matter - click here >>


Our free HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform is VSee (

  1. Download VSee Messenger at

  2. Follow the instructions to install the app.

  3. After you have downloaded and installed the app, follow the instructions on this link to test that it’s working properly —>

  4. Email or contact your clinician to share the email address you used to sign up with VSee so they could find you online.

  5. You are ready for your telehealth appointment. If you have any difficulties, please call the office for assistance.

We continue to monitor the situation and will update you regarding any changes. Please feel free to contact our office manager, LaNiya, if you have any questions

Best regards,

Gonzalo Laje, MD, MHSc, FAPA

Director, Washington Behavioral Medicine Associates, LLC

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